VitaminAssitej – progetti in circolo
The Executive Committee of Assitej Italia, with a view to encouraging a wider and more conscious participation in the life of the association, relaunched in 2023 a call open to all members, to support proposals and network projects that have a positive impact for the entire association and more generally for the children’s theater.
The projects presented are:
Training meetings to be held live within the festivals, with the help of external experts to deepen issues that lead to the development of critical thinking, education to the eyes of the public or operators, and artistic-professional training.
Lead subject: Festival Table (Twists, Confusion Festival, Contemporary Future, Giocateatro, Theaters of the world, Kids, May childhood, Ball in the center, Signals, Signs, Vimercate, Visions, Theater between the generations, Trallallero).
International training course on theatre accessibility for an audience with sensory disabilities and special needs.
Lead subject: ArteVOX Theatre with Pandemonium Theatre, Campsirago Residence, Segni New Generation Festival.
To promote the comparison between theatrical realities dealing with theater and early childhood with a view to sharing practices, experiences, requests of different territories for the creation of a “permanent observatory” of early childhood theater at the national level.
Lead subject: Il Teatro nel Baule with Schedía Teatro, Compagnia Petra, Cantieri Teatrali Koreja, together with La Baracca Testoni.
For more information on the projects, visit the project’s page.