Assitej IN-FORMA I 26 to 27 september 2019 – Teatro Munari (Milano Italy)
There are 12 companies that have joined and collaborated in the conception of a common project, and that will share its implementation. Such a degree of complexity is certainly a richness, made possible thanks to the stimulus of In-Forma and Assitej, which the protagonists of the next edition wanted, sought and are managing with enthusiasm, reflecting it in the project presented.
The 2019 edition of In-Forma will therefore take place in Milan, at the Munari Theater, in the week from 23 to 28 September 2019, organized by: Biboteatro, Compagnia ABC, Compagnia 4 Gatti, Eccentrici Dadarò, Kosmocomico Teatro, Nicoletta Cardone Johnson, MTM Manifatture Teatrali Milanesi, MOMOM, Schedia Teatro, Teatro del Buratto, Teatro Prova, Teatro Telaio.